65% Bander de Dota (Costa Rica)
35% Ndundu (Kenya)
super ripe mango, berry, orange jam, juicy clean body
Reanimator, along with it's Latin motto -- surgo ut prosim (I rise to serve) -- is dedicated to the 1985 cult horror classic based on the H.P. Lovecraft novel of the same name.
We first released Reanimator back in the early days at our first hole in the wall roastery in 2011; every few years we take the opportunity to bring it back with the same blending strategy, using a sweet, heavy coffee from the Americas to back up a wild, complex East African coffee. We design the blend with espresso in mind, but don't be afraid to brew this as filter coffee!
This year we have a blend with a base of a yellow honey process Costa Rica, layered with a traditional fruity Kenya. Meant to be pulled to a larger volume, it’s bursting with tropical juicy fruit. If you like hazy, juicy New England IPA’s, you’ll love Reanimator.