barismo coffee


Misty Valley

sugarcane, lemon, white grape

Producer: Various Landholding Farmers
Region: Ethiopia
Subregion: Yirgacheffe
Elevation: 1800–2200 meters
Process: Fully Washed & Dried on Raised Beds
Variety: Heirloom Ethiopia
Harvest: 2020-2021
Storage: GrainPro™
Relationship: Importer Contract

This coffee comes from the Aricha station, formerly known as the highly coveted Misty Valley station and sometimes called Idido. This station is located at around 1,925 masl in the Yirgacheffe highlands of southern Ethiopia. Approximately 700 small holder farmers contribute their coffee to this station.

Aricha is about 8 kilometers from the center of Yirgacheffe Town. The coffee is picked ripe between November and January, depulped within 12 hours, and washed clean with spring water. The soils in this region are red-brown clay soil, about 1.5 meters deep.